Working in School
We know that parents and volunteers have a variety of skills and talents that could be to the benefit of all the children in school, so if you feel you could, your help will be very much appreciated in school.
Volunteers can help with game play and practical activities with small groups of children.
You will always work alongside the teacher and the activity and its purpose will be explained to you. In order to keep our children safe some checks would have to be done prior to you starting in school.
The school also supports a number of further educational establishments by providing placements for trainees and students studying a variety of subjects. Again a number of checks will need to be carried out before you start work.
If you feel you would like to become involved in helping in school, or need a placement as part of a course or training, please complete the appropriate form below and return to the school office. A member of staff will then contact you to discuss the next step.
If you are 16 years or older you MUST have a DBS to work in school.